VKM Online Classes

Online classes are now in full swing and running smoothly! Go to the bottom of this page to join the FB group so you can attend. Any changes to the schedule and special classes will be provided on the FaceBook page. Current timetable is as follows:

Sunday 130pm Pranayama Sequence 
Sunday 630pm Asana Sequence
Tuesday 130pm Asana Sequence
Saturday 7am Asana Sequence

If you cannot make those particular Bali times, please make use of the recorded sessions. The Pranayama classes will follow a particular order, so all students should watch and practice them in sequence – for example, you should not do class 3 without having done classes 1 and 2. 

Check the class description on Bsport to find the exact class description for the specific sequence being taught.

Gold Membership: $1000 per year, unlimited access to all content and self practice classes in one time zone. 
Silver Membership: $450 per year, access to all led classes from all time zones, and all recorded classes.
Bronze Membership: $180 per year, access to 3 recorded classes every 3 months. (Recorded classes only)

Learn ALL the essentials of Vinyasa Krama!

Two classes per week: led classes, self practice classes, detailed pranayama instruction, plus recorded classes, and free technique workshops every month.

Course 1:
7am Sat & Weds (Asana), 130pm Sun (Pranayama)

Course 2: 
130pm Tues & Thurs (Asana), 130pm Sun (Pranayama)

Course 3:
630pm Sun and Weds (Asana), 130pm Sun (Pranayama)

Course 4:
130pm Monday (Asana), 130pm Sun (Pranayama)

ALL courses grant:

  • Acess to all led classes from all other time zones
  • Pranayama 1 class every week (live or recorded) – time zone varies between 130pm and 7am
  • All Levels!

2024 Online Course Dates
Nov 9 to Dec 19
(all courses are full except Sat and Weds 7am)

2025 Online Course Dates
Jan 11 to Feb 20
Apr 13 to May 22
Nov 8 to Dec 18

Students who are new to VKM will be encouraged to first learn the main foundation practices, commit them to memory, including the associated Pranayama. As time goes on, each students will be encouraged to deviate from the standard sequence, with my input. Students who require a therapeutic approach will be encouraged to do only 50% of each sequence, again with variations to help any condition. 

All times above are from Denpasar, Bali.
So make sure you look that up before booking a class. You can join any class from any location.

Students who cannot make the casual class times, or make the commitment for the online intensive can also make use of the recorded classes – covering all the great sequencing and pranayama. You can also look out for specialty workshops – go to the FB page to find the dates for those, listed under the main announcement pinned to the top of the page. 

There are a few main rules for attending these classes:

1. Please make a commitment to self-practice each sequences at home in between classes – approx 2x per week per sequence (or depending which sequence you’re currently learning.)

2. In order to remain a member on the FB page you must attend at least one class per month (asana or pranayama, live or recorded). This requires an ongoing paid membership. Membership types and fees are explained on the FB page. 

3. Do not not teach any of these sequences to anyone unless you have my approval. This includes the unique salutes or any main sections from each sequence. 

4. Do not not record these classes (audio or video.)

All classes will be 2 hours (or 2.15) and 5-10 minutes for Q&A at the end, so please be prepared for that length of time.

I recommend buying the new VKM eBook:

You have my permission to print one copy for yourself, so you can have handy cheat sheets. I would also suggest that you take notes when you’re learning the sequence, and write down any questions, so you can ask these at the end of any online class.  The book will also give you great background on what each sequence is about, what the Pranayama is for, and how to integrate it all.

If you are interested in these online classes please go to the following Facebook page and join up.

Om Shanti
Matthew Sweeney