Articles, Interviews, READING LIST & MORE


  1. The Grace of Vinyasa Krama
  2. Asana and Yoga Philosophy
  3. Holistic Asana Practice
  4. Sexual Abuse & Ashtanga Yoga
  5. Yoga and Social Media
  6. Yoga Teacher Training Standards
  7. Some Favourite Quotes
  8. Asana and Meditation
  9. Spirituality
  10. Core Adjustments
  11. Mula Bandha and Float Backs
  12. The Subtle Body is a Feeling Body
  13. Ashtanga Yoga Historical Validation
  14. The Evolution of Ashtanga Yoga, Part I
  15. The Evolution of Ashtanga Yoga, Part II

Excerpts from Vinyasa Unlocked

Excerpts from The Moon Sequence
Matthew, Chamundi Hill Mysore, 1995

Interview with Stu Girling 2014


Audio interview with Matthew, 2007

Transcript of interview

Audio interview with Matthew, 2013

Transcript of interview

Book and YouTube Philosophy Lists



  • A very short condensed book list, mostly to indicate the history of some of my influences.
  • 1-3 are focused on ‘meditation’ and some version of non-duality. 
  • 4-6 are based around classic ‘old school’ yoga and kundalini.
  • 7-8 The next two are on modern postural yoga. 
  • 9 is a short list of names and historical figures that are worth reading on – for historical and autobiographical interests. 


  1. Ramana Maharshi – Who Am I 
  2. Adyashanti – The End of Your World 
  3. Eckhart Tolle – The Power of Now 
  4. Satyananda Saraswati – Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha
  5. Swami Buddhananda – Mula Bandha the Master Key
  6. Gopi Krishna – Living with Kundalini 
  7. BKS Iyengar – Light on Yoga 
  8. Mark Singleton – Yoga Body (origins of postural yoga)
  9. Look up articles, or books, or wiki, on Anandamaya, Ramana Maharshi, Papaji, Krishnamurti, Vivekananda, Ramakrishna, Gestalt Psychology.


Yoga Philosophy / Funny Links

  • 1-9 are more serious, and useful for educational or historical purposes.
  • 10-15 are funny (in my opinion), though if you don’t like the F-word, avoid the last two, 14 & 15.


  1. Ramana Maharshi –
  2. Rupert Spira – 
  3. Mooji Nothing –
  4. Krishnamacharya –
  5. BKS Iyengar –
  6. Ken Wilber EEG –
  7. Terrence McKenna Political Correctness –
  8. Fritz Perls Gestalt –
  9. Irvin Yalom Therapy –
  10. Matthew Sweeney Nandi –
  11. Yogin –
  12. Star Wars Yoga –
  13. JP Sears Expert Teacher –
  14. Fuck That Meditation –
  15. Osho Strange Consequences –