Senior VK Teachers Level II
Within the Vinyasa Krama Training Organisation, we have two basic levels to practice, teach and train to teach:
Level I Vinyāsa Krama
Led classes: Beginners to intermediate, flowing movement based asana practice. Focused on the Moon Sequence, the Sunshine Sequence, and Lion Cub as a balanced tripod that harmonises Surya and Chandra.
Level II Self Practice
Beginners to advanced, with individual guidance and pranayama. This level of teaching is much broader, in depth, with focus on tailoring each sequence to the individual versus the other way around. Includes the Moon Sequence, the Sunshine Sequence, the Lion Sequence and other intermediate level practices, beginner to intermediate level Pranayama, Meditation and more.
Self Practice Teachers
Each of the following teachers comes highly trained and qualified to teach the approved sequences in traditional
“self practice” style. Each teacher is capable of adapting the sequences for your individual requirements and conducting workshops and technique classes for groups. Consult the individual teacher for a specific timetable.
VK Teachers and Trainees, please note: One of the more important aspects of teaching under the VKM umbrella is commitment. Firstly, commitment to your own well being, commitment to your student’s well being, commitment to practicing the VK Asana and Pranayama equally on a weekly basis (min 3-4 times per week each), and lastly commitment to me and classes/courses with me, and commitment to the updates that occur within (and around) each sequence.
In order for me to maintain your presence here on my website, both parties acknowedge this commitment. I am acknowledging your prior commitment and all the work each of the VK teachers listed here have put into both their own practice and learning to teach these sequences ethically and with ongoing updates and mentorship. If you do not conitue to come to classes with me, after approx a 3 year period, I will remove you from this website list. If you return and maintain this commitment for a period of time (2 years), you will be placed back on this list.
Having said that, all teachers who have my (prior) approval to teach the VK sequences and pranayama can contriue to do so, for as long as you wish. If you are removed from this list, you will no longer have the benefit of this advertising, nor the benefit of further updates and mentorship from me.

Asia / Middle East
Bangkok, Thailand
Nawarat Teeraprasert (Naw)
Tel Aviv, Israel
Yael Slevin
Australia and New Zealand
Nelson, New Zealand
Tiffany Fleetwood-Bird
Europe and UK
Hendaye, France
Arminda Marrero Garcia
Xabier Adonegi
Leipzig, Germany
Danka Bednarova
Navarra, Spain
Xabier Perez
Paris, France
Mathilde Salaun
IG: mathildesalaun
Paris, France
Gilles Ricou
FB :
Paris, France
Renan de Germain
USA and Canada
Bettendorf, IA
Evan Harris
Bettendorf, IA
Kelly Harris